Fantasy, Romance, and Irreversible Destiny

*I decided not to give the characters full names or certain details outside the home because I don’t want to specify where the couple live or their ethnicity. I must give them nicknames though. The story is assumed to happen in recent years. Both of the couple are in their 20s with either associate’s or bachelor’s degree.


Chapter 1 The Apartment

It’s an apartment on the 4th floor with one bedroom and one bathroom. The apartment was a bit messy but not dirty. Nobody was at home now.

The couple lived there, Jess and Vivian, broke most boundaries (in terms of functions rather than walls) between rooms. Only the kitchen and bedroom stayed in their physical boundary.

The old living room was turned to the couple’s studio and storage. All furniture that looks like for home use was bought in Ikea. The storage is just several cupboard or polypropylene boxes placed wherever that doesn’t block the way. Putting rarely used items in boxes saves the money for closet/shelves and makes it easier when moving. The couple didn’t have much stuffs so they chose a small apartment.

The sunshine went through the clothes hanged in the balcony and lighted up the room. The apartment looked lovely.

Then there was a “knock” on the door. It was the golden retriever next door. He likes to visit the couples in this apartment. The man went out for a walk with his dog and returned at dusk.

It’s getting darker and darker outside…

The couple had yet to return when the clock struck 9. It’s so damn dark inside, let’s not describe further details of the apartment.


Chapter 2 Lovers at Home (Cliché)

Vivian stopped her Volkswagen. She and Jess took out three absolutely stuffed shopping bag and a cupboard box. They headed towards the elevator.

The couple finally returned. Jess entered first. His girlfriend started to put away the groceries. Jess was exhausted so he fetched the towel from the balcony and entered the bathroom.

“Why am I so damn tired today? I feel dizzy. Can you put away all these stuffs, my sweetheart?”

“You only had one bottle of beer at dinner, didn’t you? Anyways, sure.”

The clock struck 12 when Vivian finished everything and turned off the lights outside. Her boyfriend left a lamp on in the bedroom. Jess woke up as his lover entered. He kept his eyes half open until Vivian finished up with her cosmetics and got into the bed. Soon they dozed off as the light went out.

Jess woke up first the next morning. He turned to his still-asleep lover. She never looks nice asleep, but Jess loves to be with Vivian.

Home-made breakfast comforts the stomach and the heart. Vivian cooked every meal ever since they lived together. Jess took out the trash while his lover cooked.

They still had some work on weekends. Suddenly something went wrong with the printer when Jess was printing a 20-page long document. Vivian fixed the printer. Jess did the vacuuming and watered the plants in return.

They cuddled up in bed at night. The bed is soft and the textiles around them fluffy. The sweet scent from Vivian’s cosmetics and a slightly sharper scent from the shampoo created the perfect bedroom perfume. They kissed each other.

“I wish this always happens from now on.”, both of them thought.


Chapter 3 Emerging Abnormalities

It was an icy-cold winter morning. Jess woke up at 4. He went to the bathroom as usual but fell when he stepped out the bathroom. He thought it was no big deal but immediately found everything blurred. Damn it. Jess only got up 5 minutes later. His girlfriend was still asleep. Jess wanted to sleep but felt something other than sleepiness. He went back but then fainted at the bedroom door.

Vivian woke up and rushed to her boyfriend. Jess was dragged back to bed and asked his girlfriend to fetch his tablet to sign up a sick leave.

“What’s up my dear? Do you need me with you today?”

“Uh I’m not sure. Perhaps a day off will fix it. You must have a lot of work. Don’t worry about me.”

Vivian went to work at 8. Jess remained in bed the rest of the day (except going to the bathroom). The leftovers in the fridge were still there when Vivian returned 12 hours later.

“Hi, you’re finally back.” Jess came out and gave her a big hug.

“Jess, are you okay?”

“Not really. In fact, I’m starving but didn’t want to eat anything.”

“Man, if you can’t get better the day after tomorrow, go to the doctor.” Jess showed a bit of reluctance but nodded his head.

Jess hated going to the hospital ever since he could remember, so he would only visit the doctor when the symptoms became unbearable. Thankfully, he got better in the following days and returned to work one week later. However, heavy workload (as he barely did anything last week) soon made him feel worse.

Vivian also suffered from heavy workload. She got headache again and couldn’t sleep well. Two or three times a week Jess had his girlfriend weeping in his arm.

They got too tired to do certain chores. One day Vivian realized she hadn’t used the stove for two weeks when she grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge.

The couple had more conflicts on daily life. Jess complained about the hair left on the floor and dirty clothes. Vivian also blamed her lover for excessive trash and wilting plants. They still supported each other though. Both of them were struggling with work and accepted the situation.

Something must be wrong, but their normal life wasn’t really bothered. Jess found himself weaker. Vivian also felt depressed due to the increasing anxiety from work and news.

The golden retriever next door was a bit confused. He hadn’t seen the couple for weeks.


Chapter 4 Breaking Down

Vivian felt broken. Now she just dragged herself to work and couldn’t sleep well. Jess didn’t want a car accident so he volunteered to drive these days (despite their gender, Vivian drives 80% of the time).

Jess didn’t know why he got weaker. He decided to rest as much as possible.

Vivian thought it was the recurrence of mental health problems. She was first diagnosed with mild depression and anxiety in high school.

On New Year’s Eve, Jess and Vivian cuddled up in bed. They returned from work early, but neither of them had the stamina to cook dinner or dine out. A shower is relaxing, but the couple just lay depleted after shower.

“Hey, are you okay?” Jess saw Vivian weeping.

“I feel terrible at work. I know I must work, but I now doubt whether my income compensates my sufferings.”

“Uh, maybe you can change a job. Do you need to go to a therapist?” Jess first met his lover in high school and knew her previous issues.

“I guess so. I’ll go to hospital anyways.” Vivian let out a bitter smile. She loves Jess and wants to always be with him. She doesn’t want to bring him unnecessary trouble.

Vivian went to the hospital on January 2nd and quit her job. Jess still felt crap but liked his job, so he went to work as usual anyways.

A week later, Vivian received her friend Kevin’s call after laundry. Kevin is also Jess’s friend and co-worker.

“Vivian! Please come to the city hospital ER ASAP!”

“What the fuck? What happened to Jess? Alright I’ll be there.”

Vivian met up with Kevin 30 minutes later in the ER. The doctor said that Jess had a broken vein in his brain. Vivian just panicked. She couldn’t have paid the bills so quickly without Kevin’s help.

“This is Alex, our co-worker. He first found Jess unconscious at work.” Kevin introduced another man to her.

“Well, I was to discuss work with him. Uh, he said he felt very dizzy after being knocked over by a motorbike. Then maybe 5 minutes later I found him unconscious, so we called the ambulance. It’s totally chaos. Kevin only called you 45 minutes later.” Alex was calmer so he told Vivian what happened.

Vivian asked Jess’s parents to come as soon as possible. Now the three could only leave everything to the doctors. Vivian burst into tears. Kevin and Alex were also freaked out.

12 hours later, Jess’s parents arrived the hospital. They suggested Vivian to return home first.

Vivian again started sobbing as she entered home…

Jess’s parents lived in the couple’s apartment when Jess was in the hospital. The former “home sweet home” became the waiting room full of sorrow and tears.

“Vivian, it’s okay for you to break up with my son if he gets disabled. We don’t want to ruin the rest of your life.” Jess’s father told her in the apartment.

“Please no! I can’t lose him…”

Still Jess must move back to his parents after getting out of the hospital. Vivian and Jess’s mother wept all the time when packing up Jess’s stuffs. The three took turns taking care of Jess.

Jess survived and woke up 10 days later. He still loved Vivian but knew that he may never be able to do certain things a boyfriend should do.

“Don’t worry, I’ll call you every day and visit you as long as I have the time.” Vivian gave her lover a bear hug before his family left. Jess nodded and let out some tears.

The apartment looked horrible when half empty after Jess left. Vivian tried to move on (with the help of the therapist) and even got a new job three months later, but she always thought about Jess. The golden retriever next door visited her as usual. That might be her only hope to live there.

Vivian only visited Jess twice as she was busy with her new job. She felt really sorry for that though Jess and his family said it’s okay.


Chapter 5 Homegoing

6 months later, Jess mostly recovered. He couldn’t participate in his former job but was determined to be with his girlfriend. Vivian drove 8 hours to fetch Jess and his belongings.

They went to the shopping center after they settle down everything in the old apartment. Jess felt secure holding Vivian’s hand.

“Sorry [LOL] there are so many people in women’s bathroom!” Jess received a message from Vivian while waiting. He answered “Okay” and went into the jewelry store behind to pick a cool ring.

When Vivian returned, she saw Jess holding a ring.

“Thanks for all you’ve done. Will you marry me? ”


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